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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
November 26, 2013
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, November 26, 2013, at the Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room 1.

Members Present: Robert Rabinowitz, Donna Mangiafico, Donna Jennifer Rogers, Robert Kaiser, Laura Lerman, Andrea Spencer, Jennifer Johnston Cebry

Members Absent: Donna Randle, Laura Lerman, Ted Kreinik
Auxiliary Members: Lindsay Kelkres, Patrick Kearney
Guests: Valerie Culbertson (Director, HealingNewtown)

Jennifer Johnston Cebry called the meeting to order at 7:32 PM.

  • Minutes: Minutes of October 22, 2013, NCAC meeting, approved unanimously.
  • Officers Report:
  • Jen Johnston Cebry (Chair): N/A
  • Elections
  • Commission’s Annual Report to Town of Newtown
  • Arts Festival, Grants, Programs, HealingNewtown
  • Pat Llodra has asked us to change the name of HealingNewtown
  • Suggestion: Newtown Arts Space
  • This would involve changing web site, Facebook pages, Twitter account, links, etc
  • Jen Rogers (Vice Chair): None
  • Robert Rabinowitz (Secretary):
  • Calendar for 2014 needs to be set and voted on
  • Treasurer’s Report (Donna Mangiafico):
  • Arts Festival – one invoice outstanding, one sponsor still owes a promised check
  • Motion to provide $10,000 in seed money for 2014 Newtown Cultural Arts Festival by Robert Rabinowitz, seconded by Jen Rogers.  Passed unanimously.
  • HealingNewtown: we have 2 accounts, one is a savings account, the other is a gift fund
  • Budgeted money from town $4700
  • Budget request for 2014 to the town needs to be submitted
  • CIP input (Capital Improvement Plan
  • Add additional funding for 4 weeks (40 hours a week) of a grant writer
  • Election of Officers will take place at the next meeting, December 17th.  
  • Any commissioner who wishes to can put their name up for consideration  
  • The 3 current officers will put their names forward if no one else expresses interest.
  • Treasurer position will be decided as well.
  • Sub-Committees to be appointed.  Every commissioner needs to server on at least 2 sub-committees.  Goals need to be set.
  • HealingNewtown (Valerie Culbertson)
  • Joy of Art and Weaving with Hanna continue
  • Small fee will be implemented for classes/workshops/programs – a portion going to instructor and a portion to the arts space
  • Starting in February: Asian Paint, Clay Dates, Art from Nature, Creative Writing, Sticks & Stones, Interactive Poetry, Writer’s Forum, more
  • Mentorship program – 2 college students who will earn credit for helping us
  • Working with NHS for future activities
  • Offer of donation of Ice Sculpture in December
  • Budget for HealingNewtown Events – Valerie will make recommendation at next NCAC meeting
  • New sponsors: On-Stage Stands, D16 Group, possible Steinway (NHS)
  • Holiday Party   
  • Sunday December 22nd – 2pm to 6pm
  • Set up starts at Noon
  • People needed for set up, event, and clean up after event
  • Motion to disperse up to $250 for Holiday party, by Jen Rogers, 2nd by Andrea S – passed unanimously.  Urgent of CT will donate the $250 for us to spend.
  • Newtown Cultural Arts Center,
  • 15 Million donated by GE for Community Center
  • No indication that NCAC will be included
  • NCAC needs to lobby to be included in future plans
  • 1214 Foundation – Jen R met with Michael B and Richard P – they want NCAC people to help on sub-committee: Jen R and Robert R volunteer.  Grant writer needed to work with NCAC/1214 on project.
  • Get letter of interest ready… next meeting vote to allocate funds for grant writer
  • Arts Festival (Terry Sagedy, Chairperson of the Arts Festival Committee)
  • Terry was unable to attend the meeting
  • Thank you letters?
  • Letters to the Bee?
  • Broadway Sings Video?
  • Press/Marketing
  • Laura L was unable to attend the meeting
  • Newsletter & Website
  • Lindsay & Jen are working together on next newsletter
  • Public Participation:
  • None
  • Other Business
  • None
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 pm

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room 1 at 7:30 PM.